Global Azure Bootcamp in Cluj-Napoca, April 21

What is Global Azure Bootcamp? On April 21, 2018, all communities will come together once again in the sixth great Global Azure Bootcamp event! Each user group will organize their own one-day deep dive class on Azure the way they see fit and how it works for their members. The result is that thousands of people get to learn about Azure and join together online under the social hashtag #GlobalAzure!

Event typeFREE

Registration URL:

Local Sponsor: Endava

CommunityITCamp Community

When: April 21, 2018

WhatDuring 4 hours we will develop an application from 0 that sends weather notifications to users. It will be based Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, Azure Redis Cache and Azure Service Bus.

Format: Hands-on, 0 slides, 100% code. You will need a computer with Visual Studio 2017, .NET Core, Node.js (last version) and NPM to be up-to-date


  • 09:00 – 09:30:  Registration and setup
  • 09:30 – 10:30: Developing backend application inside Azure Functions (Radu Vunvulea)
  • 10:30 – 11:30: Developing the web application (Radu Pascal)
  • 11:30 – 12:30: Create the automation scripts using ARM (Florin Loghiade)


  • Visual Studio 2017 (updated)
  • Azure SDK (last version)
  • .NET Core (last version)
  • .NET 4.6
  • Node.js (last version)
  • NPM (up-to-date)
  • Azure Subscription


ITCamp Community Event (Timisoara) | 17 Martie 2018

Sâmbăta Azure

17 Martie 2018, 09.00 - 14.00

Hotel Timișoara, Sala Roma

Dacă ești timișorean și vrei să afli mai multe despre teme ca Azure PaaS, Azure Blockchain Service, Power BI, Visual Studio și multe altele, te așteptăm pe 17 martie la evenimentul #ITCamp Community Timișoara, un eveniment gratuit dedicat tuturor profesioniștilor IT.



9:00am – 9:30am

Înregistrare & cafea


9:30am – 10:15am

Azure Platform as a Service for Architects and Developers: an overview and future

Mihai Tătăran | Avaelgo


10:15AM – 11:00AM

Azure Blockchain Service – Myth or Reality

Radu Vunvulea | Endava


11:00AM – 11:15am



11:15am – 12:00pm

Visual Studio + Docker + Sprinkles of Azure = Modern Microservices

Alex Mang | KeyTicket Solutions


12:00PM – 12:45pm

Running containerized applications in Azure with Kubernetes

Radu Matei | Microsoft


12:45PM – 13:00pm



13:00PM – 13:30pm

The BI Power

Kakuja Emanuel Mihai & Laurentiu Codorean Onea | Microsoft

Register Now!

Participarea este gratuită, în baza înregistrării prealabile. Vă așteptăm!

Winter ITCamp Community Event (Cluj-Napoca)

ITCamp Community îți propune ca pe data de 13 Februarie să se întâlnească cu specialiști din IT din Cluj-Napoca, oferind un eveniment gratuit. Evenimentul este organizat de comunitate pentru comunitate și susținut în totalitate de Yonder.

18:00-18:10 – Networking and coffee
18:10-19:00 – Container solutions in Azure (Florin Loghiade)
19:00-19:45 – SOLID for Everyone (Daniel Costea)
19:45-20:00 – Break
20:00-20:45 – Azure Blockchain Service – myth or reality (Radu Vunvulea)
20:45-21:30 – Networking

When: February 13, 18:00

Where: The Office, Room A (Cluj-Napoca)

Muțumim companiei Yonder pentru susținere. Mai multe detalii despre sesiuni și speakeri puteți să găsiți mai jos.

You can register using

Event details:

 Container solutions in Azure: You’ve probably heard of containers by now, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve already used one or two in some development scenarios or even production.
As to why use containers it is pretty simple to answer. Instead of virtualizing the whole hardware stack as in the case of a virtual machine, you just virtualize the operating system which will run atop of the OS kernel. Translation: They are smaller and faster! That being said, containers need to run somewhere, and in this session, we will be talking about what container solutions are in the Azure Cloud and how we can use them.
Florin Loghiade (Azure MVP | AVAELGO): Florin works as an IT consultant focused on Microsoft solutions based on Windows Server, System Center, Hyper-V, Azure, and Automation. Florin’s current primary focus is implementing and managing on-premise and cloud solutions based on Microsoft Windows Server, System Center and Azure, eliminating all the tedious management tasks using PowerShell and PowerShell DSC.

• SOLID for Everyone: Presentation will show what are and how you can use these principles in a practical way, using C# language, following a series of refactoring steps on an unoptimized sample of code.
Daniel Costea (The Informal School of IT): Daniel is enthusiastic about technology and knowledge sharing, therefore is not surprising he is a trainer. With C# it was love at first sight but he works with a series of other technologies like: ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AngularJS, ReactJS, SQL.

• Azure Blockchain Service – myth or reality: This is a session dedicated to blockchain. We will talk about mining inside a cloud provider and why blockchain is so attractive to any company nowadays. In the second part of the session we will talk about a new service from Azure that is allowing us to use blockchain as a service (SaaS)
Radu Vunvulea (Azure MVP | Endava): Radu Vunvulea is a technology enthusiast involved in all kind of projects. He has a vast experience on different technologies and industries and has a blog where he writes about IT trends. In his spare time he drives IT communities and speaks at different conferences around the world. In his day to day life Radu is Senior Architect at Endava and Microsoft Azure MVP. Most of his time is spent working with the Cloud, helping big enterprises innovate and finding solutions to their business problems.

ITCamp Community Summer Lunch Event in Cluj | Event Sourcing and CQRS

Let’s try a different kind of event this summer. I proposed to all of you to meet during the lunch break and have a talk about Event Sourcing and CQRS. There will be a special guest (Andrea Saltarello – Solution Architect at Managed Design) that will talk about his own experience on how we should manage Event Sourcing.

If you want to join this talk, then you should book it in your calendar. Don’t forget that the event is free being supported by our local community sponsors

A BIG THANK YOU for our local community sponsors that made this event possible:

When: July 24

Where: The Office , Room A (ground floor)


  • 12:15 – 12:30 | Networking
  • 12:30 – 13:20 | Azure Tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive (Andrea Saltarello)
  • 13:20 – 13:50 | Networking and sharing experience

Title: Azure Tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive

Description: Both CQRS and Event Sourcing are by no means the new kids on the block anymore, yet a lot can be told about how to use Azure’s PaaS to implement such patterns and unleash their power without having your costs soaring. The ingredients are: CosmosDB/MongoDB as the event storage, Service Bus as the events’ dispatcher, AppServices/Cloud Services/Service Fabric as the scalable, fault tolerant code cruncher, SQL Azure as the read model and ASP .NET Core as the application framework used to implement views and back-end services. Eager to know the recipe (and look at real code)? Don’t miss this talk then.

Speaker: Andrea Saltarello (Solution Architect | MANAGED DESIGNS)

You can register using

ITCamp Community Event, Timișoara (25 mar 2017)

În luna Martie, ITCamp organizează un nou eveniment de comunitate pentru profesioniștii IT din Timisoara. Evenimentul urmează să aibă loc pe data de 25 Martie, la Hotel Timișoara.

Participarea este gratuită.


9:00 - 9:30


9.30 - 10.15

Big Data with HDInsight
Mihai Tataran | Avaelgo

10.15 - 11.00

Intelligent Azure Services
Ciprian Jichici | Genisoft


11.00 - 11.15

Coffee Break

11.15 - 12.00

Windows as a Service
Andrei Stoica | Microsoft

12.00 - 12.45

Microsoft: The Future of Technology
Radu Stefan | Microsoft


12:45 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:45

OpenSource / CloudSlang
Lucian Revnic & Andrei Truta | HP

Înregistrează-te și transmite și prietenilor tăi

ITCamp 2017


Dacă v-a plăcut ITCamp 2016, cu siguranță nu vreți să rați ediția din acest an. ITCamp rămâne singura conferință premium de comunităte din România și ca de obicei vă așteaptă cu două zile de sesiuni tehnice și de business. Sute de colegii din domeniul IT din întreaga Românie vor participa la cea de-a șaptea editie a ITCamp.

Primii speakeri confirmați

ITCamp 2017 speakers round 1

Ben Armstrong, Jason Street, Tim Huckaby, Peter Leeson, Raffaele Rialdi, Alessandro Pilotti, Adam Granicz și Thomas Maurer vor ocupa scena la final de mai la ITCamp. Lista de speakeri se actualizează constant, astfel vă invităm să vizitați pagina dedicată Speakerilor ITCamp 2017 aici.

Call for Content


Și în acest an, ne dorim să dăm șansa persoanelor din comunitatea IT (atît din România cât și din străinătate) să participe la conferință în calitate de speakeri.

Astfel, dacă doriți să aveți propria sesiune și să vorbiți unui public matur și foarte experimentat, atunci aceasta este sansa voastră. Mai multe detalii găsiți aici.

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