Cluj-Napoca: Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp

Cluj-Napoca: Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp

We are excited to kick off the Global Microsoft 365 Developer Bootcamp in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This year’s bootcamps will incorporate the technologies and products that are now included in the Microsoft 365 platform.

Bootcamps are a free, one-day, hands-on training event led by Microsoft MVPs and community leaders with support from Microsoft. Developers worldwide are invited to attend a bootcamp to learn the latest on Microsoft 365 platform including Microsoft Graph, SharePoint Framework, Microsoft Teams, Office Add-ins and Actionable Messages, etc. and apply what you learn to your future projects.
The event is organized by ITCamp Community with the support from The Guild Hall Cluj

17:40 – 18:00 Registration and networking
18:00 – 19:00 Automating Microsoft Graph with PowerShell
19:00 – 20:00 Empower your business with automate processes + tasks using Microsoft Flows
20:00 – 21:00 Networking

(1) Automating Microsoft Graph with PowerShell (Florin Loghiade)- Microsoft Graph is a powerfull tool to query organizational data but it’s not a tool built for automation. Everything that you want to do with the Microsoft Graph can be done with the Graph explorer but in the end if you’re looking to automate repetitive tasks then you have to look at other tools to interface with it. In this session we will look at the Microsoft Graph, how it works and how we can build PowerShell scripts using Azure services to automate even the most complicated tasks.
(2) Empower your business with automate processes + tasks using Microsoft Flows (Radu Vunvulea) – Join this session if you want to discover a tool that can be used to optimise your internal processes with just a few clicks. Microsoft Flows well integrated with Office 365 ecosystem, allowing us to remove the manual processes where human error can appear. We take a look at how we can automate the holiday approval requests end-two-end without writing a line of code (or this is what we hope 😊).

Global Azure Bootcamp in Cluj-Napoca

Global Azure Bootcamp in Cluj-Napoca

Salvati data noului event Global Azure Bootcamp organizat de ITCamp Community din Cluj-Napoca! Va asteptam pe 16 Aprilie 2019 la un nou eveniment gratuit dedicat specialistilor IT-ul din Cluj-Napoca si imprejurimi. Gazda acestui meetup va fi The Guild Hall, iar evenimentul va avea loc la locatia lor.


6:00 PM–6:15 PM – Inregistrare & cafea

6:15 PM–7:00 PM – Going behind images: A dive into Computer Vision Api (Claudiu Mera)

7:00 PM–7:15 PM – Pauza

7:15 PM–8:15 PM – From Azure Function to production (Florin Loghiade & Radu Vunvulea)

8:15 PM–9:00 PM – Networking

Descriere eveniment

Going behind images: The way we extract content from images has changed radically in the past years with the emergent Computer Vision services. In this presentation, we will learn about Computer Vision API, a component of Microsoft Cognitive Services that gathers rich information from images to categorize and process visual data. We will explore together various features like image analysis, thumbnail generation and text recognition and see what are the benefits for embedding services in our business solutions.

From Azure Function to production (Florin Loghiade & Radu Vunvulea) – The session is starting from a blank Visual Studio project, and together with you, we will deploy our serverless solution to Azure Functions and Kubernetes. Once our code is ready, we will see how we can integrate it into a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps.

Hosted by The Guild Hall and supported by Evozone.

ITCamp Community Meetup #1 / 2019 in Timisoara

ITCamp Community Meetup #1 / 2019 in Timisoara

Descrierea evenimentului

ITCamp Community organizează pe data de 28 Februarie 2019 un eveniment gratuit pentru specialiștii din IT-ul timișorean, adresându-se tuturor celor interesați de subiecte precum securitatea si data analysis în contextul datelor pe care le dețin canalele de social media despre fiecare în parte. 


5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Înregistrare & cafea

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM

Data Breaches of 2018 – A Brief Analysis

Ioan Popovici, Avaelgo

Abstract: Let’s go through some of the most important data breaches that took place – or went public – in 2018. We’ll make a brief analysis of what went wrong, and we’ll have fun pointing out the missing security controls behind them.

6:15 PM – 6:30 PM

6:30 PM – 7:15 PM

Make Order out of Chaos: Insights in Data Analysis on Data from Social Media

Radu Tomoiaga & Emanuel Kakuja, Microsoft

Abstract: Nowadays, everything changes rapidly. What yesterday was new and trending tomorrow might be obsolete and uninteresting. Have you ever wondered what’s next? Although current social media data can hint as to what the future entails for you or your business, through Machine Learning you can accurately predict what is going to happen, trends and even your growth so that you can plan your actions accordingly in order to maximize impact and results.

Înregistrarea este gratuită, în limita locurilor disponibile.

Global AI/ML Bootcamp (Cluj-Napoca)

ITCamp Community organizeaza pe data de 8 Decembrie un eveniment gratuit pentru specialistii din IT-ul clujean dedicat celor interesați de AI și ML. Evenimentul este adresat tuturor persoanelor care doresc să afle mai multe despre AI și ML. Evenimentul urmează să conțină și exemple practice, dacă vii cu laptopul atunci este perfect – dar nu este obligatoriu. Agenda:
  • 09:15 – 09:30 Registration
  • 09:30 – 11:00 Building a Computer Vision Application Leveraging the Custom Vision Service (Radu Vunvulea)
  • 11:00 – 11:30 Short break
  • 11:30 – 13:00 How to design, build and deploy your first enterprise-grade chatbot using Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Bot Framework (Silviu Niculita)
  • Mulțumim companiei 8×8 pentru susținere și implicare. Mai multe detalii despre sesiuni și prezentatori puteți să găsiți mai jos.
Ai nevoie de:
  • Laptop
  • Visual Studio 2017
  • Azure Subscription


Main Sponsor: 8x8 Country Sponsor:

Autumn ITCamp Community Event in Cluj-Napoca

ITCamp Community organizeaza pe data de 7 noiembrie un eveniment gratuit pentru specialistii din IT-ul clujean. Evenimentul este adresat tuturor persoanelor interesate de IT din oras, este organizat de comunitate pentru comunitate, si este sustinut in totalitate de UIPath


Welcome coffee and networking


Scraping the web for useful data (Mihai Tibrea)


More coffee and networking

19:30- 20:30

Microservices CI/CD automation inside Microsoft Azure (Radu Vunvulea)

20:30- 21:00

Networking and discussions

Mulțumim companiei UIPath pentru susținere și implicare. Mai multe detalii despre sesiuni și prezentatori puteți să găsiți mai jos.

Scraping the web for useful data: In present times, we are able to find data everywhere with a simple search, however, most of the time, we are unable to easily download that data. This is where web scraping becomes a powerful tool. The aim of this presentation is to give you an understanding of web scraping along with implementations, problems with a possible solution and some uses cases.

Mihai Tibrea is a Software Developer at Accesa where he is working on a project for a new client, first impressions count! Mihai has 5 years of experience as a full stack developer with a focus on Microsoft Technologies. With a high focus on software quality, Mihai has a proven record of delivering quality even with tight deadlines.

Microservices CI/CD automation inside Microsoft Azure: This session represents the journey that we need to follow when we start to implement a microservice solution using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Except for the microservices themselves, there are a lot of other things that we need to be aware if we want to have an automated system where we focus only on the functionality and nothing more. Join this session if you want to discover the world of Azure DevOps and how you can configure a CI/CD environment in 30 minutes.

Radu Vunvulea is a technology enthusiast involved in all kind of projects. He has a vast experience on different technologies and industries and has a blog where he writes about IT trends. In his spare time, he drives IT communities and speaks at different conferences around the world. In his day to day life, Radu is Global Head of Technology at Luminos Labs and Microsoft Azure MVP. Most of his time is spent working with the Cloud, helping big enterprises innovate and finding solutions to their business problems.

Main Sponsor:

ITCamp Community Event (Timisoara) | 27 Octombrie 2018

ITCamp Community Event (Timisoara) | 27 Octombrie 2018

Ultimul eveniment ITCamp Community din 2018 organizat în Banat va avea loc pe 27 octombrie 2018, fiind dedicat profesioniștilor IT din Timișoara și împrejurimi.



9:00am – 9:30am

Înregistrare & cafea


9:30am – 10:15am

Seeing Through The Custom Vision Service

Ioan Popovici | Avaelgo


9:30am – 10:15am

Pragmatic steps for consolidating your cybersecurity

Ioan Popovici | Avaelgo


11:00AM – 11:15am



10:15AM – 11:00AM

GDPR tools available in Office 365 or Microsoft 365 and how those are mapped with articles from regulation

Daniel Popescu | Avaelgo


11:15am – 12:00pm

Problem Solving Techniques

Radu Tomoiaga | Microsoft


12:45PM – 13:00pm



13:00PM – 13:45pm

Azure Functions – from playground to production

Mihai Negrea | Microsoft

Sharing experience of running azure functions in production at scale.

Register Now!

Participarea este gratuită, în baza înregistrării prealabile. Vă așteptăm!

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