Descrierea evenimentului

ITCamp Community organizează pe data de 28 Februarie 2019 un eveniment gratuit pentru specialiștii din IT-ul timișorean, adresându-se tuturor celor interesați de subiecte precum securitatea si data analysis în contextul datelor pe care le dețin canalele de social media despre fiecare în parte. 


5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Înregistrare & cafea

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM

Data Breaches of 2018 – A Brief Analysis

Ioan Popovici, Avaelgo

Abstract: Let’s go through some of the most important data breaches that took place – or went public – in 2018. We’ll make a brief analysis of what went wrong, and we’ll have fun pointing out the missing security controls behind them.

6:15 PM – 6:30 PM

6:30 PM – 7:15 PM

Make Order out of Chaos: Insights in Data Analysis on Data from Social Media

Radu Tomoiaga & Emanuel Kakuja, Microsoft

Abstract: Nowadays, everything changes rapidly. What yesterday was new and trending tomorrow might be obsolete and uninteresting. Have you ever wondered what’s next? Although current social media data can hint as to what the future entails for you or your business, through Machine Learning you can accurately predict what is going to happen, trends and even your growth so that you can plan your actions accordingly in order to maximize impact and results.

Înregistrarea este gratuită, în limita locurilor disponibile.

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