Dacă vrei să aflii mai multe despre KEDA, securitate în cloud sau Windows Container salvează data de 19 februarie în calendar.

ITCamp Community organizeaza pe data de 19 februarie un eveniment gratuit pentru specialistii din IT-ul clujean. Evenimentul este adresat tuturor persoanelor interesate de IT din oras, este organizat de comunitate pentru comunitate, si este sustinut in totalitate de Micro Focus.

Mulțumim companiei Micro Focus pentru susținere și implicare. Mai multe detalii despre sesiuni și prezentatori puteți să găsiți mai jos.




Welcome coffee and networking



Docker with Windows Containers

Mihai Tibrea

I was recently asked to help with the dockerization of a project. Easy task, right ? Until I was made aware that one of the projects in the solution was a windows service, and I was forced to use windows containers.



Cloud security fundamentals – Developer view

Radu Vunvulea

Do you want to improve cloud security? I thought so. Then why not join this session and build your fundamentals knowledge related to cloud security from a developer perspective. We have a lot of demos and hands-on expertise from Microsoft Azure and AWS.


19:45- 20:00

Coffee and networking


20:00- 20:45

Making Kubernetes Serverless with KEDA

Florin Loghiade

KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event-Driven Autoscaling) is an opensource project built by Microsoft in collaboration with Red Hat, which provides event-driven autoscaling to containers running on an AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) cluster. KEDA allows for fine-grained autoscaling (including to/from zero) for event-driven Kubernetes workloads. KEDA serves as a Kubernetes Metrics Server and allows users to define autoscaling rules using a dedicated Kubernetes custom resource definition. Most of the time, we scale systems (manually or automatically) using some metrics that get triggered. For example, if CPU > 60% for 5 minutes, scale our app service out to a second instance. By the time we’ve raised the trigger and completed the scale-out, the burst of traffic/events has passed. KEDA, on the other hand, exposes rich events data like Azure Message Queue length to the horizontal pod auto-scaler so that it can manage the scale-out for us. Once one or more pods have been deployed to meet the event demands, events (or messages) can be consumed directly from the source, which in our example is the Azure Queue. In this session, we will talk about KEDA, deploy a Function to it, and see where we can use it in production.


20:45- 21:30

Networking and discussions

Free registration

Participation is free, based on prior registration. Community events are always more fun and enjoyable with friends along your side. Share this event with yours, see you there and become part of ITCamp Commnuity!

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