Let’s try a different kind of event this summer. I proposed to all of you to meet during the lunch break and have a talk about Event Sourcing and CQRS. There will be a special guest (Andrea Saltarello – Solution Architect at Managed Design) that will talk about his own experience on how we should manage Event Sourcing.
If you want to join this talk, then you should book it in your calendar. Don’t forget that the event is free being supported by our local community sponsors
A BIG THANK YOU for our local community sponsors that made this event possible:
When: July 24
Where: The Office , Room A (ground floor)
- 12:15 – 12:30 | Networking
- 12:30 – 13:20 | Azure Tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive (Andrea Saltarello)
- 13:20 – 13:50 | Networking and sharing experience
Title: Azure Tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive
Description: Both CQRS and Event Sourcing are by no means the new kids on the block anymore, yet a lot can be told about how to use Azure’s PaaS to implement such patterns and unleash their power without having your costs soaring. The ingredients are: CosmosDB/MongoDB as the event storage, Service Bus as the events’ dispatcher, AppServices/Cloud Services/Service Fabric as the scalable, fault tolerant code cruncher, SQL Azure as the read model and ASP .NET Core as the application framework used to implement views and back-end services. Eager to know the recipe (and look at real code)? Don’t miss this talk then.
Speaker: Andrea Saltarello (Solution Architect | MANAGED DESIGNS)